Why Printers Are Still Important in Today's Digital Age

Even though most information today is digitally based, stored, and shared through the Cloud, printing is still a relevant type of technology for many businesses. According to the business experts at Wakefield, 73% of business owners use printing devices an average of four times a day. This is a significant amount of use for these devices. Let's look at a few reasons why printing is still important in this digital age and how printer repairs can benefit your business.

Presentation Experience

Although there are obvious benefits and convenience to sharing information digitally, there is also much to be said for hard copy presentations. Hard copy presentations are especially useful when trying to communicate large amounts of visual or technical information. There is also something especially engaging about providing copies of information to customers and clients. There is a distinct connection that people make with the information that they are holding in their hands rather than the information they are simply seeing on a screen. There is also research to back up the difference in retention, comprehension, and recall of information that is provided in a hard copy rather than a digital version.

Another important factor to consider is that you can use color in a different way with printed materials than you can with digital options. When this is added to the effect that tangible information has on a person, you can see how it can be beneficial to always have reliable, color printing options.

Increase Productivity and Focus

When the objective is to focus a person's attention, you want hard copy information. This can be a crucial piece of project success. Research shows us that having tangible information on hand brings a person's focus front and center more effectively than simply viewing the information on a screen. This has much to do with the fact that with any screen, the viewer can potentially be distracted by other information that might be appearing on the screen as well. This could include notifications, advertisements, and other forms of distractions. With tangible, printed information, you can avoid these types of distractions and get their full attention.

Works In All Environments

There are situations in which mobile devices will not be allowed for various reasons. When this is the case, you can still get information shared effectively if you have quality printing services. This is why you should invest in quality printers and printer repairs when needed.

If you're in need of a printer or repairs to your device, please contact us today. We look forward to helping your business run more smoothly and efficiently with a quality printer!

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