How Many Offices Still Rely on Printers Today?

Offices used to run on printers. The bosses sent out memos on paper. They handed out proposals on sheets of crisp white 8x11 sheets. Documents were copied, printed, and copied again. Now, more businesses do things electronically. So, just how vital are printers to modern offices?

Investing In Printers

Businesses reveal how essential things are to them by what percentage they invest in them. Printers remain one of the most significant investments for offices worldwide. According to Image One, companies invest 1-3% of their average revenue in printing. That is the third-largest average investment. The only thing businesses spend more money on is rent and payroll. That's how much companies rely on printers.

Expesnes of Printers

Printers are expensive items for offices to maintain. The cost to repair printers alone can be both costly and time-consuming. Office printers need to be able to handle high-capacity jobs for long periods. They also need to be able to store jobs for a limited amount of time due to the pace of office life. These all combine to make the office printer the most expensive piece of equipment in the office. How do companies with tighter budgets afford them?

Rental Printers

Rental companies offer printers and printer support for offices all over Phoenix. These companies allow businesses to afford printers for their businesses and even repair printers these offices rent. Many of these companies will even let companies sign rent-to-own agreements, allowing them to make payments towards the printer while still providing coverage in case of damage.

Protection Provided by Printers

We can transmit information electronically, but there are times when paper documents are still the best option. Physical copies of contracts are more secure than digital copies, as are physical receipts. Although many businesses will keep electronic copies of these documents, keeping paper copies affords them an extra layer of protection. Paper is also helpful for adverts and newsletters because physical copies are more likely to be saved and found later than emails.

Offices spend more money on printers than anything besides office space and payroll. They spend money to repair printers and sign rent-to-own agreements. And the reason why they do it is that, even in the modern age, printers are still an essential piece of equipment in the office. Give Click Copiers a call today to see how we can help supply you with the most essential office necessities.

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